Open for Business: Lessons in Chinese Commerce for the Millennium is an advanced reading book for the students with high proficiency in Chinese or the juniors and seniors in college or postgraduate students who are majoring in Chinese and taking Chinese courses in the United States. After finishing this book, the students shall achieve a relatively high proficiency in Chinese, being able to read newspapers and business documents, give speeches on business and conduct commercial negotiations. The book is composed of 7 chapters, with altogether 25 lessons and the accompanying exercises. To go with the 12-week semester in the United States, the book is divided into two volumes, with the first three chapters in the first volume and the rest four chapters in the second. The first volume gives a general introduction to the ever-changing environment of China’s macro-economy and the current situation of the commerce and market. The second volume provides the students with knowledge about the practices of business running and managing and the foreign trade activities in China, the general situation of important industries and also certain topics related to technology. The topics in the book are collected during the author’s visits to China in the recent years, including articles from major newspapers, statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics and from trades in China and also information from various data banks on the Internet. This is the first volume of the series and is accompanied by three audio tapes which are sold independently.